Nachrichten - Berichte
Palästinenser: Ende der Beziehung zu USA und Israel
Palästinenser: Ende der Beziehung zu USA und Israel
Democrats can stop Israel's apartheid policies
Tunesien – Nur Zweistaatenlösung mit Ost-Jerusalem als Hauptstadt für Palästina akzeptabel.
Adalah- Trump Plan Normalizes Israel’s Apartheid Regime in West Bank
Gaza Journalists Reject So Called ‘Deal of the Century’
Soldiers Injure 14 Palestinians In Gaza
2. .2 2020
Abbas- Palestine Free to End Security Cooperation with Israel
From Clinton to Obama, U.S. peace deals have paved the path to apartheid
Trump ‘Plan’ would create a fictitious Palestinian state devoid of rights under international law
The Democratic Party is also devoted to Israel’s apartheid
Gaza Journalists Reject So Called ‘Deal of the Century’
Israel lobby prompts federal investigations over Palestine events
Adalah- Trump Plan Normalizes Israel’s Apartheid Regime in West Bank
Kairos Palestine- “Deal Of The Century, An Insult To History And Humanity”
Israeli Colonists Attack Village Near Nablus, Shoot One Palestinian
Israel Carries Out Airstrikes on Southern Gaza
31. 1. 2020
Update, 29. Januar, 16.30 Uhr: Zum Nahost-Plan von US-Präsident Donald Trump hat sich nun dessen Berater Jared Kushner zu Wort gemeldet. Er rief die Palästinenser dazu auf, dem Plan zuzustimmen. Palästina hätte „die letzten 25 Jahre die Opferkarte gespielt“, so Kushner, der nicht nur Berater des Präsidenten, sondern auch dessen Schwiegersohn ist.
Trapped and voiceless: The Palestinians depicted in Trump's plan
Lutheran World Federation- Peace Cannot Be Unilaterally Imposed
Palestinians in West Bank protest US plan, clash with Israeli soldiers
Israeli Rights Group- Trump “Peace Plan” not Peace but Apartheid
Photo Essay- Palestinians converge on Jordan Valley checkpoints to protest Trump plan
A Palestinian-Israeli peace with no Palestinian in sight
PCHR- “Trump’s Middle East Plan Violates Rights and Legitimizes War Crimes”
Trump’s deal gives Israel a superpower endorsement of apartheid
From Clinton to Obama, U.S. deals paved the path to apartheid
For Bibi and Trump, peace means Palestinian submission
Israel lobby prompts federal investigations over Palestine events
30. 1. 2020
UN rejects US deal of the century
Rivlin bittet Deutschland um Vermittlung im Nahostkonflikt
Chronologie eines schier endlosen Konflikts
Trump's "win-win" plan hands everything to Israel
Palestinians around the world reject Trump’s ‘fraud of the century’
Trump’s embrace of apartheid was brought to you by the organized Jewish community
For Bibi and Trump, peace means Palestinian submission
Thousands Protest in Gaza to Challenge Trump-Kushner Annexation Plan
US Democrats Denounce Trump-Kushner Plan as “Legitimizing Theft”
Mass Rallies in Several Countries in Protest of Trump Deal
60 Arson Attacks on Churches and Mosques by Jewish Settlers in Past Decade
30. 1. 2020
Israel: Benjamin Netanjahu nun offziell angeklagt
Anklage wegen Korruption Netanyahu zieht Antrag auf Immunität zurück
Trump just green-lit annexation. Here's how Palestinians can stop it
Dieser Plan verlangt die Kapitulation
der Palästinenser
The ‘Deal of the Century’ is Apartheid
Democrats divide over Israel on display in reactions to Trump ‘peace plan’
Permalink to Liberal Zionists decry Trump plan as an existential threat to ‘Jewish democracy’
Permalink to Liberal Zionists decry Trump plan as an existential threat to ‘Jewish democracy’
Nahost-Plan: Trump will palästinensischen Staat mit Hauptstadt in Ost-Jerusalem
Trump just green-lit annexation. Here’s how Palestinians can stop it
Haniyeh Calls for Cairo Meeting to Confront US “Peace Plan”
Commission Calls for National Resistance to “Deal of the Century”
Shu’fat Revealed as Capital of Future Palestinian State under US Plan
PA Threatens to Give up Oslo Accords over US “Deal of Century”
Trump unveils peace plan, promising more land and control for Israel
Palestinians brace for the worst ahead of Trump’s ‘peace plan’
Why Jordan Valley settlers fear annexation more than Palestinians do
28. 1. 2020
Trump inszeniert eine Lösung des Nahostkonflikts
Commission Calls for National Resistance to “Deal of the Century”
Palestinians brace for the worst ahead of Trump’s ‘peace plan’
Shu’fat Revealed as Capital of Future Palestinian State under US Plan
PA Threatens to Give up Oslo Accords over US “Deal of Century”
Israeli Army Fires Missiles Into Southern Gaza
Police reverse racial profiling policy at Israeli hospital
Israel Gives Demolition Notices for Ten More Palestinian Wells in Salfit
Israeli Court Orders Palestinians to Leave Jerusalem Building and Turn It Over to Israeli Settlers
27. 1. 2020
Israeli Air Force Fires Missiles Into Khan YounisZionist Outrage Over BBC Coverage Of Holocaust Memorial
Palestinian leadership is discussing steps to respond to US announcement
REPORT- Trump “Peace Plan” to be Published This Week
Trump deal will fell peace process house of cards
Nahost - Israel erlaubt Staatsbürgern erstmals Reisen nach Saudi-Arabien
New York high school sparks public storm over free speech on Israel
Sheikh Sabri Again Expelled from Al-Aqsa Mosque
Israeli Colonists Seriously Injure A Palestinian Man Near Nablus
26. 1. 2020
Human Rights Commission Calls Killing of Three Palestinian Teens a War Crime
The Israeli center’s road to endless occupation
Israeli Authorities Ban the Imam of the Al-Aqsa Mosque for Four Months
25. 1. 2020
Israeli war crimes rewarded with UN handshakes
Illegal Israeli Colonists Burn A Mosque In Jerusalem
Defying Israeli Ban, Sheikh Sabri Attempts to Enter Al-Aqsa
Jordan Denounces Israeli Attack On Worshiper In Al-Aqsa Mosque
Soldiers Injure Two Palestinians, Attack Worshipers, In Al-Aqsa Mosque
Israel Accused of Flooding Khan Younis
Families of kidnapped Mizrahi babies are having a #MeToo moment
24. 1. 2020
Army Confiscates Palestinian Lands In Nablus
Report- Area C Building Permits Allowed for 1% of West Bank Palestinians
The Israeli center’s road to endless occupation